Aaron Madas
Aaron, 16, is a student at Semei Kakungulu High School. He is currently in Secondary 2. Aaron finds his morning routine challenging as his first meal of the day is only after classes. Before he receives food in the late morning, he has already woken up, helped clean around the house washed his face, packed his school bag, and journeyed to school. Sometimes he takes transit to school but often there is no money and he has to walk. He takes all his morning lessons before eating his first meal of the day.
Aaron is naturally curious and enjoys learning about the religions of those around him. He is interested in the beliefs of his Muslim and Christian classmates. He feels that reading with Simbi is the best way for him to gather information in rural Uganda. He was chosen as a Simbi Foundation Scholar because of his determined display of hard work in class. Aaron told SF that his parents struggle financially and that not paying tuition for him has removed a huge burden from their shoulders. His favourite subject is science and he hopes to use his love of science to pursue a career as an engineer. Simbi Foundation looks forward to watching Aaron develop his passions and interests for different religions and science.