Priyanka Khatri
Priyanka is in grade 3 and her favourite school subject is Hindi because she loves her teacher. To prepare for school, Priyanka wakes up early at 5am, brushes her teeth and takes a shower. She then takes the bus to get to school, taking 30 minutes because she lives far away.
She loves learning in the new BrightBox solar-powered classroom at Himalayan Public School and using Simbi to read! She loves reading on the computer and her favourite Simbi book is the one about the elephant. Priyanka has three siblings: one brother and one sister, and both go to another school. After school, they all go back home and eat, then take a nap, and in the evenings sometimes have a tutor come over to help us with our studies. When Priyanka grows up, she wants to be a teacher!
We hope you continue to try hard in your studies and that you continue to learn using Simbi at Himalayan Public school. We are proud of you, Priyanka!